Wow! You sure know how to paint an enticing picture of something, in IFS, that is highly nebulous to me! My blockage in on the concept is trust, specifically, my ability to trust my Self to guide my Exiles, Managers and Firefighters. I like the analogy in which you compare Exiles to adopted puppies. While Managers are intellectuals and Firefighters, and I’m paraphrasing, are like wounded animals. I’m a million miles from this quality of internal dialogue but I’ll see you on the demo tomorrow!

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Billy! Thanks for this! I'm looking forward to seeing you on the demo tomorrow too! So glad Koala did this work and is feeling up to the experience...excited about it, in fact! :)

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I am from the BST time zone (6 hours ahead) and yes I go by Billy

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Hi Melissa,

FYI my audio will be on but my video will be off. I must preserve his anonymity!



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No problem! I'm assuming you are the person who signed up yesterday from the BST time zone -- will you prefer to go by Billy in the workshop?

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