Dee (Exile): In this dream, I'm Dee, and I'm pretty happy about my dream, and it gives me a happy feeling.
A: (Self-energy) How does it give you a happy feeling, Dee?
Dee: Well, first of all, my brother is not the person in the dream. It's a dream brother.
A: What's that like?
Dee: I mean, my brother doesn't watch wrestling.
A: How does wrestling come into it?
Dee: World Wrestling Federation, WWF, and black and red, some big black and red oversized sweatshirt? That's not even anything that my brother would wear.
A: Well, that's true.
Dee: So that's a little weird.
A: What do you make of it?
Dee: I mean, the only connection I have to wrestling is that I went to a wrestling high school.
A: What's that like?
Dee: Well, I don't mind the World Wrestling Federation. I have nothing against it. I mean, it's just fun. It's drama. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute, A. Now I see more information!
A: Oh I'm seeing that too Dee!
Dee: Okay so the basic plot of the dream is this, right: I'm in the kitchen and I'm going to eat some hot dogs and I tell my brother who's not my real brother, he's some dream brother, and in the dream he's wearing this black and red, this huge puffy sweatshirt, this World Wrestling Federation sweatshirt, so absurd
And he says, “You better not eat them. You'll get fat.” And he's just rude. He's just so rude.
And I...
I don't get angry.
I immediately lay on the ground in front of him, like full out, full out.
I spread out on the ground, right?
And I start rubbing my belly like a big crazy Santa Claus or something.
“Oh, I'm going to get so fat! It's going to be great. I'm going to eat them all!”
And…I'm eating his insults.
Like I'm just having so much fun with them and I'm just playing around and I'm so ridiculous and frivolous.
And my brother looks down at me because he's towering over me because I'm, you know, he's six feet tall and I'm down on the floor like rubbing my belly like a clown.
And he says, he's just incredulous, he cannot believe what the hell I'm doing.
And I love it so much!
I love this dream.
This is one of my favorite dreams.
Oh my god, I'm crying.
I'm laughing so hard A!
Dude, I love how insane I am.
I just get down on the floor.
I'm rubbing my belly.
“Oh yeah, I'm gonna get so fat.”
And I mean, I'm laughing so hard and I'm so absurd.
My brother looks down at me. He's like, “What the hell?”
And he starts laughing too.
Ha ha ha ha.
It's so epic.
But the great... I'm laughing so hard again.
Ow, it hurts.
But the great thing about how ridiculous this is,
now that I'm thinking about it,
is that the World Wrestling Federation,
think about it,
it's so much drama,
It's… you attack somebody, but it's play attacking, right?
So that's where the World Wrestling Federation comes into the dream.
Because I was like, why is he wearing a World Wrestling Federation shirt?
Well, because that's what I did.
I took the usual (like wrestling is usually about violence and, you know…)
I don't know, you try to take me down and all this, right?
And who's going to dominate who?
But the World Wrestling Federation is more like making it into a play.
It's a drama, right?
It's like Shakespeare for the 21st whatever century we're in, right?
It's like contemporary Shakespeare.
It's just tomfoolery and ridiculousness.
So that's what I did.
I took his insult, I took his rudeness, and I…threw it back to him and turned it into a World Wrestling Federation match, right?
Where I was just like, whoa, I'm down on the ground.
“I'm getting so fat!”
I just mocked it.
It makes me think of the scene in Harry Potter where, you know, they have to learn how to expel Bogarts, and so they laugh at them.
And the power of levity and laughing and rejecting the other person's worldview…the entire worldview that you're going to get fat.
And then I'm just like, “Yeah, I'm going to get so fat.
It's going to be so great.
I'm going to eat them all!”
And I mean, it's just such a great way to deflect bullying and "you" statements with levity.
It's my own form of rejection, right?
But with so much playfulness, it's so creative.
So it really has a lot of the five Ps and eight Cs of Self in it
because it has playfulness and
And it has perspective,
like because I have perspective on the reality that…what he's saying isn't true.
And I'm very creative and I'm confident in just laying on the floor and just being a maniac.
So I feel really liberated by this dream.
Now I understand the World Wrestling Federation aspect of it.
And it also makes sense of themes that I've been working on because lately I've
been really working hard on people who make rude comments about how I eat.
And so this was this visionary, liberational, radical vision of how I could transform my response to these people.
Like when a five-year-old part of somebody else says, "Melissa! I saw you're limping. What did you do to yourself?"and yells that across a table, which isn't appropriate.
Or they yell, "Melissa, are you okay?!" just because I'm eating something different from everybody else because I happen to eat a healthy diet, not like most of the people around me, but we won't get into that.
What would it be like if I could be really, really funny in rebuffing their poor behavior?
Because obviously it's poor behavior to say you're going to get fat. That's super rude.
But in the dream, I'm totally liberated from all protectors who need to…defend me and get angry and get frustrated…I'm just…playful.
…This is one of my favorite dreams in a really long time.
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